Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Moderator Post - January 2012

Dear Moderator,

Please find the requested sample of students below - links to other students blogs from the group are on the right hand side of this page.

Dragon Group (Video)

Alexander McLoughlin
Advert and Digipack

Ben Smith
Advert and Digipack

Gemma Armorgie
Advert and Digipack

Griffin Group (Video)
India Fiala
Advert and Digipack

Luke Ogilvie
Advert and Digipack

Minotaur Group (Video)

Benjamin Baxter
Advert and Digipack

William Gregory
Advert and Digipack

Phoenix Group (Video)

Tobias Osborn
Advert and Digipack
Pegasus (video)

Samir Ruparelia
Advert and Digipack

Sean Farrell
Advert Digipack

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Minimal Amount of Posts so Far

Mz Menzies work

- flash cards of key terms covered so far and add to them whenever additional vocab encountered - key terms attached.
- theory test questions (group post)
- analysis of a digipack highlighting how it complements the video. Could be done by filming oneself paging through the pack and talking the analysis to camera, using an extreme closeup on hands and digipack.

Monday 26th September

  • Ideal Audience Member
  • Analysis of audience research results (what are you going to do based on these)
  • THREE posts detailing audience research with links to surveys/videos/statistics
  • A post detailing how your genre gratifies the audience with videos/images statistics
  • A post illustrating your plans for audience research (can be a group creation on prezi and embedded on your own blog)
  • Your song (with links)
  • A post on the use of camera in music video with images illustrating this from different videos (can be a group creation on prezi and embedded on your blog)
  • An essay on the techniques used in AS coursework
  • Research and understanding – a post examining the images of three musical artists.
  • Research into the motifs, styles and conventions of a chosen genre.
  • Analysis of mock digipack from the summer. (should be tagged 'mock digipack')
  • Mock Digipack images posted (should be tagged 'mock digipack')
  • Summer video work posted and analysed (some students did this through audio and may post the audio instead).
  • Research into digipacks and layout
  • Filming progress on the video (prop lists, timing etc) (should be tagged 'mock video')
  • A post on Dyer’s star theory and its applications
  • Genre research towards digipack
  • A music video analysis
Your blog should have these items CLEARLY TAGGED clearly according to the mark scheme (e.g. music video analysis would be taggd "similar products", "music video analysis")

Optional/Advised Posts
  • Posts that explore different features of your genre like lighting, editing, style etc
  • Early planning posts with initial thoughts and explorations (e.g. - I would like to use black and white - here's my tweaking of it)
  • Time Mangement posts that include timetables etc

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Summer Work

Hi Year 12

Summer work is below

First - from the sheet

Task One – An Essay Question

You are to spend one hour on this

Explain the methods you used to attract your audience in your AS coursework.

- Think about and describe IN DEPTH the choices you made with regards to Camera, Editing, Mise-En-Scene, Sound

- Why you made these choices

- What your audiences wanted and how you did/did not give it to them

- Audience reaction?

Ext – try to include some of the theory from your institutions and audience work.

Task Two – Research and Understanding

Research and make notes on AT LEAST THREE MUSIC ARTISTS from DIFFERENT GENRES including MUSIC VIDEOS. Look at:

- How the band/artist is being REPRESENTED (e.g. In Madonna’s later videos she is represented as young, fit and desirable whereas 50 Cent will go for dangerous, violent and independent)

- What are the reasons behind choices in SET, COSTUME AND PROPS?

- What are the album cover designs and their significance (the designs, choices of CEMS etc)

- The image the artist is trying to put across.

- Concert Sets

- Newspaper stories


Task 1
Select a genre of your choice and track the conventions of it - recognise the motifs, the CEMS, the structures, the narratives etc. Update your blog with a post on these genre conventions.

Task 2
Read your yellow pack - I will be referring to these through the lessons in year 13

Task 3
Start finding your songs

Friday, 1 July 2011

Expected Blog Posts for the Year 12 Transition

So far the following blog posts have been set:

  • An analysis of a music video for Mr Norman/Miss Rose
  • An analysis of a digipack of your choice for Miss Mapp
  • A post on star theory and your analysis of how a star is constructed
  • Genre work and conventions for your digipack.
  • Planning work for your music video clip (at least two posts, include pictures!) - these can be shared
  • Planning work for your digipack images (at least two posts, include pictures!) - these can be shared
Optional extra - your own research and planning for your big coursework

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Moderator Post A2 Level 2010-11 (June Session)

Dear Moderator,

Please find enclosed the coursework for the following students.

Nadine Board 4015
Digipack and Advert

Sunday, 30 January 2011