For Question 1(b) students will have to choose one of their productions, either the AS production, the A2 main task, or any of the two ancillary tasks. The question will focus on only one of the following: •
What genre is the production?
What are the codes and conventions of the production?
How is the genre established in the candidates production?
How does the mise-en-scène support the genre?
What is the role of the specific elements of the mise-en-scène?
Refer to props, costume, makeup, location, theme etc.
What themes have been used?
Have generic conventions been adhered to or subverted?
How will the generic elements of production appeal to the audience?
Key Theories
What is the narrative structure of the product?
How do the specific elements of the production relate to the narrative structure?
Does the production adhere to, or subvert, narrative conventions?
How does the narrative support the establishment of the chosen genre of the production?
How have narrative techniques been used to appeal to the audience?
Refer to Todorov, Propp, Levi-Strauss, multi-strand, restricted, unrestricted, non-linear etc.
Representation theory – Dyer, Mulvey, Perkins etc.
Identify characters, events or issues within the production to discuss.
What representational concepts are highlighted? (i.e. race, gender, cultural attitudes etc.)
What representations have been generated?
Discuss the specific elements of character representation, i.e. modes of address, facial expression, costume, behaviour etc.
Have any stereotypical representations been generated?
Does the production conform to, or subvert, any dominant ideologies?
Who is the target audience for the production?
Define by age, race, gender, social class etc.
What are the social classifications of the audience?
Why will the production appeal to this target audience?
What techniques and lines of appeal has the production used to attract the target audience?
What uses and gratifications will the target audience get from the production?
How does the production use narrative theory?
General theories: McQuail’s uses and gratifications theory, Vance Packard’s hypodermic needle theory etc.
Media Language
Identify the elements or ‘signs’ within the production that are going to be discussed.
What connotations and significations are apparent?
What codes and conventions have been used?
What semiotic techniques have been used to generate meaning?
Identify and describe the meanings generated.
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